Coolrooms are spaces mostly found in restaurants, retail stores, and laboratories. From foods and drinks to chemicals, these places have cooling components that can maintain the cold temperatures of the said products.
By exposing them to low temperatures, coolrooms can conveniently prevent them from getting damaged in a short time. They can likewise make their product life last longer than those stored at room temperatures. These cold storage units can also protect the mentioned products from dirt, dust, microbes, pests, and other elements damaging to their overall properties.
The effectiveness of coolrooms can be enhanced by using the correct type of shelving and racking. Fortunately, tons of materials and finishing options are now available for coolroom owners like you. One material of shelving and racking that you can utilise is galvanized iron.
A Quick Introduction to Galvanisation
Most shelving and racking are made from steel, as the material boasts properties other metals do not have. Steel in general is an iron alloy that utilises a varying amount of carbon. As more elements are added to steel, the accompanying qualities of iron improve, making the material helpful in many applications.
Iron, alternatively, is a metal that can easily rust in the damp air. This quality may deter some from using it, but this metal has been pivotal to civil engineering and manufacturing industries.
It may not be able to surpass the properties of steel, but iron can still be useful in manufacturing shelving and racking, especially if it undergoes galvanisation. Galvanisation is a process that steel and iron parts often maximise. This process is typically conducted by coating steel or iron with zinc, protecting the base material from rusting. It is cheap, reliable, and serviceable. This process can even provide parts and products with long service life and minimal upkeep needs.
Galvanized Iron Shelving and Racking
If you currently own and manage a coolroom, you must utilise this shelving and racking made from galvanized iron as they are expected to possess great strength. With proper galvanisation, these shelves and racks can effectively resist abrasion and shock. Their durability is likewise expected since they do not have to be subjected to oxidation and deterioration.
Service life is also considered to be improved with galvanized iron shelving and racking, especially with the right surrounding conditions. If they will only be used for coolrooms, you can expect these organisation tools to last for multiple decades.
Another great thing about galvanized iron shelving and racking is they do not require regular maintenance and upkeep. Shelving and racking that are finished with paint often have to be repainted at least every year. But those made from galvanized iron do not require any maintenance, cutting your maintenance expenses entirely.
Galvanized iron shelving and racking are also safe. Since you have to store tons of food products with coolrooms, opting for these organisation tools can ensure that they remain safe throughout their product life.
C&M Coolroom Services offer supply and installation of the Coolroom shelving and racking in a variety of colours and finishes including stainless steel, galvanized iron, zinc coated, plastic coated and painted. Contact us today!
Coolrooms and freezers are two of the most utilised cold storage units maximised in food-related businesses. They are even used in industries where the storage of delicate products is needed. Some businesses that use them are restaurants, retail stores, and laboratories.
One thing that makes them advantageous for these businesses is they can store many items at optimal temperatures, ensuring they will not get damaged or spoiled ahead of their sale or use. They can likewise simplify employees’ workflow as these cold storage units provide neat options to organise them appropriately and effectively. And if they are maintained optimally, these storage units can easily provide huge cost savings.
What makes coolrooms and freezers effective is they rely on quality sealants. One purpose of sealants is to ensure that any connections and panelling will remain free from leaks. They also help protect the content of the storage units from outdoor elements. Many coolrooms and freezers today can work with silicone sealants as they offer the following advantages.
1. Provides Terrific Thermal Insulation
Many factors can affect the energy consumption of coolrooms and freezers. If their doors are kept open for a long time, their cooling components must draw more power to make their interiors cold. They likewise must consume more energy in cooling the products once their components have leaked. By using silicone sealants, coolroom and freezers do not have to force their components to work harshly anymore thanks to the sealants’ reliable thermal insulation. So, despite having high outdoor temperatures, the cold storage units will remain cold.
2. Tolerates Temperature Fluctuations
Another advantage of using silicone sealants for coolrooms and freezers is they can withstand temperature fluctuations. The operating temperatures of coolrooms and freezers should always be at low levels to ensure that they can store a wide array of products optimally. Since these sealants can tolerate both high and low temperatures, they can easily carry out their main purpose without deteriorating for a long time.
3. Repels Moisture and Water Elements
Moisture may sometimes develop during the operations of coolrooms and freezers. Without the right materials for their components, moisture and water elements may end up accumulating on their surfaces, allowing mould and mildew to develop. As these things spread further, they can ultimately affect the quality of the stored products as well as the storage unit components negatively. Opting for silicone sealants, luckily, can repel moisture and water elements, which deter mould and others from growing and spreading.
4. Offers Long Lifespan and Good Value
One more advantage of silicone sealants for coolrooms and freezers is they can offer long service life and great value. Silicone sealants can form consistently tight sealing for coolrooms and freezers for a long time. And even after years of utilising them, they are expected to retain their form. They can likewise remain intact despite being exposed to damaging elements. And with all their features, they can provide business owners with significant savings.
To know more about silicone sealants for coolrooms and freezers, you can contact us at C&M Coolroom Services.Â
C&M Coolrooms can create a custom solution for your specific needs. Talk to one of team members today.