Functions of Pressure Relief Vents

28 August 2017

Pressure relief vents in cool rooms are designed to create a work-amicable relationship between tired employees and stubborn, large-scale coolrooms. If that explanation stops just short of clarifying the mechanical component, picture it as a coolroom access assistant, a device that overcomes pressure differentials. Here’s a deeper look into the functions that define this atmospheric equalizer.

Low-Pressure Walk-in Conditions 

When the locking clasp of a coolroom door is disengaged, instinct says we should pull. Curiously, there’s a suction effect that needs to be overcome before the door moves outwards. The larger the door, the stronger this effect becomes. So what do the walk-in cool room designers have to say about this phenomenon? They talk about air seals and fans, suction side pressures and the cooling air that makes airborne molecules condense. In short, the sealed enclosure maintains a lower pressure environment because of that seal and the refrigeration unit chugging away inside the closed chamber.

Pressure Relief Vents: What are they? 

If that pressure differential is to be mechanically equalized, a feature-rich walk-in freezer or equally well-equipped walk-in cooling unit will come preinstalled with an atmosphere-balancing pressure relief vent. Assembled from springs and metal sleeves, plus an electric element to stop the mechanism from freezing, the venting device relieves pressure differentials. As the atmospheric variance is negated, the enclosure door then opens effortlessly. Therefore, primarily, this is an access assisting vent, a low-pressure valve that equalizes inside and outside pressure discrepancies. However, that primary feature is accompanied by another important function, one that will be explained in the next paragraph.

Additional Functions for Pressure Relief Vents 

If this spring-loaded device helps to address low-pressure coolroom conditions, what other functions could it be squeezing into its feature list? Well, pressure relief vents also reduce walk-in enclosure stress. Think of it, the pressure offset caused by the cooling mechanism places a strain on the seams and joints of the cooling chamber. The parts expand a little, then they contract. Over time, those seams will split. Energy leakage is next, plus a corresponding breakdown of panel insulation as the moist air escapes into those seams. The pressure relief vent earns its middle descriptor here, for it really does “relieve” pressure-induced stress.

Described as self-regulating environment equalizers, these vents serve as door balancing aids. They assist tired operators by reducing the force required to open and then close the seal. Next on the function sheet, pressure relieving vents minimize seam and joint stress, which means the walk-in unit will work at its operational best for years to come.

Mark Connelly
C&M Coolroom Services
Mobile: 0412 536 315

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