Monitor and Increase Your Coolroom Efficiency

28 August 2020

Businesses that revolve around food storage, retail, or production have to install coolrooms so they can conduct their intended daily operations. Coolrooms may look like large freezer areas, but they do not necessarily freeze food items and products.

Coolrooms can help maintain a consistent stable temperature just to ensure that the items do not spoil or get damaged. This specific benefit allows customers or clients to be safe from any dangerous effects of food spoilage or the presence of microbes. Additionally, coolrooms can also precool products like drinks, juices, and other things before they are transferred to their corresponding shelves. Precooling products can easily provide customers with products that are meant to be cold for immediate consumption.

Given the benefits of coolrooms to businesses, business owners must do everything just to monitor and increase their efficiency. If you own a coolroom, then you may want to conduct the following activities.

Check Energy Consumption

To effectively increase coolroom efficiency, you must start with your energy consumption. Checking and monitoring your energy usage can easily provide you enough data on how your coolroom works during operations. A monitoring system can be installed within your power connections to determine energy consumption, detect early signs of failure, and control energy usage. A coolroom that uses more energy than its recommended energy levels may be a sign of failing components.

Assess Operating Temperatures

Aside from energy consumption, another element that must be monitored regularly is the operating temperatures of the coolroom. The temperature of a coolroom is crucial in maintaining the quality of food products. At the same time, this specific element can directly affect the coolroom’s consumption of energy. The lower the temperature is, the more energy a coolroom will consume. To monitor the temperatures of your coolroom, you must install a room temperature sensor and check it regularly. It would be ideal for your coolroom to run at temperatures that are determined by its manufacturer.

Improve Door Situations

One factor that can affect both the energy and temperature levels inside the coolroom is the activities related to its doorway. The ambient air outside the coolroom is filled with moisture and energy, while the air inside the coolroom is dry. The difference between these two significantly affects energy consumption and operating temperatures. When the air leakage becomes high, the optimal temperatures may not be reached, which may result in the accumulation of frost or ice and the inability to reach optimal temperatures quickly. 

To improve door situations, the door must always be closed appropriately. Both door curtains and door seals must also be in good condition for them to work optimally.

Optimise Internal Air Flow

The air inside the coolroom can be dry. Moreover, it must also circulate the walls and product so that the coolroom temperature and its energy usage will be optimised. The air inside the coolroom also serves as the main way to prevent heat energy from going out of the product packaging. To maintain efficient internal airflow, your products must have some spaces between them. Stacking them against the wall can easily allow heat to penetrate their surface and lead to spoilage. Fixtures and products that are blocking fan outlets or evaporator returns must also be removed for a more optimised airflow. The energy consumption, temperature levels, and internal airflow are only some of the elements that must be constantly checked and monitor to increase coolroom efficiency. Other elements that must be checked include lighting, type of refrigerant, and many more.

Mark Connelly
C&M Coolroom Services
Mobile: 0412 536 315

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