Two Types of Coolroom Doors and Their Applications

20 February 2023

Businesses that serve food to customers must make sure that they only utilise fresh ingredients in preparing and cooking meals. Since most of these ingredients can spoil easily, they should be stored and maintained inside coolrooms.

Coolrooms are ideal cold storage solutions for restaurants, cafes, and other food service businesses as they keep food items free from harmful microbes. They can also keep them fresh, healthy, and nutritious. And since coolrooms can be customised all the time, they can maximise a storage space that fits one’s needs.

Aside from food, coolrooms can also be used for storing flowers, laboratory samples, and other sensitive materials. Hence, these cold storage solutions can also be maximised by flower shops, universities, medical centres, and research facilities.

The Significance of Coolroom Doors

The intended functions of coolrooms can only be carried out effectively if they maximise the right components. One of the components that coolrooms should utilise is the door.

Coolroom doors are essential to these cold storage solutions as they can reduce heat transfer into their storage areas. This quality protects the stored products or items from getting spoiled or damaged. It also ensures that cooling components will not exert too much energy just to carry out their operations. Coolroom doors work best if they boast the right sealing parts.

Without effective coolroom doors, the coolrooms will just continue to receive too much heat from outdoors, forcing the stored products to deteriorate quickly. Business owners may also expect a significant increase in their expenses as they have to replenish the damaged items right away. They also have to pay for the large utility costs of their faulty coolrooms.

Coolroom Door Types and Key Uses

There are two types of coolroom doors that business owners can consider.

1. Hinge Doors: Hinge doors are coolroom doors often maximised in supermarkets and bottle shops. They are often lightweight, which allows them to be opened with one hand. They are also sturdy. To ensure that they can be accessed to and from the coolrooms without locking, they must be integrated with door closers.

2. Sliding Doors: Sliding doors, on the other hand, can be useful in large coolrooms or coolrooms with less traffic. They can also be useful in spaces where hinged doors cannot work optimally. Coolrooms with narrow spaces or that must be accessible to vehicles can likewise take advantage of sliding doors. As their name implies, sliding doors can be opened and closed by sliding them sideways. These doors can last for a longer time and can be accessed conveniently if they are paired with door rollers.

When choosing the best type of door for your coolroom, you must heavily consider its available space. A swing or hinge door is good for your coolroom if it has enough space. If not, you must opt for a sliding door. You must also consider the accessibility of your coolroom. A coolroom door should allow your employees to load and unload products without any restrictions. Ultimately, you must ensure that your coolroom door will boast the right dimensions.

Mark Connelly
C&M Coolroom Services
Mobile: 0412 536 315

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