What products are to be kept in freezers?

07 April 2015

C&M Coolroom Services has a responsibility to manufacture high-end coolrooms and freezers. These walk-in rooms and cupboard-sized spaces are expertly sealed and professionally fabricated to adhere to hygiene standards while fulfilling their principle role. In the case of an efficient freezer, these design factors keep temperatures low, maintaining a climate that would be drawn as a flat line if a record of internal climate changes was to be monitored. Such design examples are patently desirable if the multiplication of bacteria is to be outright annulled. All of the above factors are part of the design specifications of the unit, which is why the strategy can fail after the unit is installed and far from the domain of the manufacturer.

In keeping the freezer fully-functional and deserving of its purpose, store only the products that are intended to fall under the scope of freezer climate-control, a temperature range that typically begins at -20C. Here’s an easy-to-read list of products that are safe to be kept in a freezer.
• Bread (Less chance of drying out and going stale when frozen)
• Fruit and vegetables
• Meat
• Fish
• Shellfish
• Pasta

While brief, this list represents a core selection of products that are safe for freezer storage. Of course, the work doesn’t end here. Each category of food has an associated storage time that must be kept in mind. A catering company would keep track of this culinary calendar to ensure the food doesn’t begin to spoil, and the kitchen manager is going to have to reinforce this line of thought by keeping a schedule of how each product will spoil over this period of time. A wall-mounted poster containing a table of these products and their storage times is the time-honoured means of keeping track of stored frozen food.

Additionally, preparation routines are initiated within working kitchens to minimize aging effect and the possible development of sub-microscopic organisms. This includes the blanching of vegetables and the following of guidelines as set by the relevant food authority. Systematic storage routines are essential in this situation. These procedures will safeguard hygiene and protect the consumer. For instance, use a freezer cycle that freezes meat, fruit and vegetables quickly, thus reducing the possibility of ice crystal formation. Any cryogenics engineer knows the danger of these tiny crystals and how their introduction will effect the delicate texture of organic produce.

Finally, the fun and obvious products are kept in freezers, the ice cream and desserts that are sold in bulk and kept frozen for months at a time. But keep organization in mind, delicate produce away from the fan unit, and assign meat to low shelves or hooks, keeping space between each grouping to maximize the circulation of that frosty atmosphere.

Mark Connelly
C&M Coolroom Services
E-mail: markconnelly@cmcoolrooms.com.au
Mobile: 0412 536 315

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