Why Install Glass Doors to Your Refrigeration and Freezer Units

07 November 2022

If you are currently managing a retail store, a restaurant, or other establishments, you must have invested in refrigeration and freezer units as your primary cold storage solutions. You must have picked these things since they can keep perishable items safe from harmful elements. They can likewise slow down the spoilage process of your products.

Some things, however, should be done to keep your refrigeration and freezer units effective. For one, you must separate varying groups of products to prevent cross-contamination. You must also prevent your products from blocking the components responsible for the cold air. The number of items stored inside your units must also be limited to prevent cold air components from drawing too much energy and breaking down. You must then incorporate sealing, panelling, and others into these units to keep warm air out.

But one more thing that you can do to further optimise your refrigeration and freezer units is to equip them with glass doors. Here are some notable reasons why you must install glass doors to your cold storage solutions.

Reduce Energy

One reason why you must install glass doors to your refrigeration and freezer units is they can reduce your energy consumption. Keeping your cold storage solutions open can often draw tons of power since they are forced to provide cold or freezing air while combatting the outdoor heat. As time passes, the components responsible for the cooling and freezing of products may break down, which will only lead to more expenses. Adding glass doors can retain cool or freezing air inside these units without drawing too much energy and spending too much money.

Improve Quality

Glass door installation does not only reduce your energy consumption, but it can also improve the quality of your products. The main purpose of refrigeration and freezer units, as mentioned earlier, is to preserve the quality of food products. But without doing any modification to these cold storage solutions, the quality of your items might not be preserved optimally. Adding glass doors can improve their quality and freshness since outdoor elements are deterred from entering. Quality improvements are also expected since they can keep these units cold.

Enhance Storage

Some refrigeration and freezer units have been designed to let people store items conveniently. But for those that do not have this quality, they must be integrated with glass doors. Glass doors can ensure that your cold storage units can be easier to organise. Upon opening the doors, your employees can easily arrange the items as well as move out spoiled ones. Your customers may even take advantage of glass doors as they can conveniently acquire the items they want to purchase from your freezer or refrigeration systems.

Boost Revenues

With optimised performance, adding glass doors to your refrigeration and freezer units can easily boost the revenues and performance of your establishment. Access to fresh and quality products ensures that you can provide them with the best meals or items your establishment offers. They will then come back and shop or dine in, making your place profitable.

To add glass doors for your cold storage solutions, you must contact us at C&M Coolroom Services. We are Melbourne’s top provider of commercial and industrial coolroom and freezer room manufacturing, services, and complete solutions.

Mark Connelly
C&M Coolroom Services
E-mail: markconnelly@cmcoolrooms.com.au
Mobile: 0412 536 315

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