How Standard Styrene Panels Make Coolrooms Eco-Friendly

04 September 2023


Make your coolrooms eco-friendly with sustainable standard styrene panels from C&M Coolroom Services. Call us today at (03) 9401 3444.

In today’s world, sustainability and energy efficiency are crucial considerations in food-related industries. Coolrooms, which are used for storing perishable goods, are no exception. Standard styrene panels, fortunately, have emerged as a popular choice for constructing coolrooms that are sustainable and eco-friendly.

Standard styrene panels are panels made from expanded polystyrene foam that is widely utilised in the construction of coolrooms and cold storage panels. Their composition allows them to be lightweight. They also boast excellent thermal insulation and many more properties.

If you want to ensure your coolrooms will be sustainable and eco-friendly, you must opt for standard styrene panels during their construction. Here are some ways standard styrene panels can help you obtain these types of coolrooms.

Excellent Insulation

Standard styrene panels, which are often made from expanded polystyrene foam, are known for their excellent insulation properties. The closed-cell structure of EPS foam provides high thermal resistance that minimises heat transfer and maintains consistent temperature levels within the coolroom. This insulation capability reduces the need for excessive cooling, resulting in energy savings and improved energy efficiency in your coolrooms.

Efficient Energy Use 

The superior insulation properties of standard styrene panels then translate into tangible energy savings for your coolrooms. By decreasing heat infiltration, these panels help reduce the workload on your cooling systems, resulting in lower energy consumption. The increased energy efficiency of your coolrooms not only lowers your business’s operational costs but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible overall operation.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

The eco-friendly nature of standard styrene panels is evident in their reduced carbon footprint. The energy efficiency achieved through their insulation properties leads to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions related to cooling operations. Additionally, the panels themselves are often made using a low-energy manufacturing process, which further cuts down their environmental impact. By choosing standard styrene panels for coolroom construction, you can actively contribute to reducing your carbon footprint and mitigating climate change.

Ensured Recyclability

Standard styrene panels offer the advantage of recyclability. EPS foam can be easily recycled into new products or even used as a fuel source. The recyclability of these panels helps divert waste from landfills and promotes a circular economy. Furthermore, the lightweight nature of these panels reduces transportation costs and fuel consumption during installation, which significantly enhances their environmental benefits.

Guaranteed Compliance 

Standard styrene panels align with sustainable building practices and green certifications. They often meet or exceed industry standards for thermal insulation, such as the Building Code of Australia requirements. By incorporating these panels into coolroom construction, your business can demonstrate your commitment to sustainable practices, enhance your corporate social responsibility, and potentially gain recognition or incentives for meeting green building criteria.

Standard styrene panels play a significant role in making your coolrooms eco-friendly through their insulation properties, energy efficiency, recyclability, and compliance with sustainable building practices. These coolroom panels offer your business the opportunity to reduce your carbon footprint, attain significant energy savings, and contribute to a more sustainable future. By choosing standard styrene panels, your business can optimise coolroom operations while demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Mark Connelly
C&M Coolroom Services
Mobile: 0412 536 315

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