Ice Build-up in Your Commercial Freezer and How to Prevent It

26 April 2023

Many businesses in the food service industry take advantage of commercial freezers as they can be effective in storing and preserving a wide array of frozen products. Some products that they can store are vegetables, fruits, meats, and prepared meals.

Commercial freezers often work by utilising a refrigeration system. It can remove heat from the freezer compartment and expel it outside the unit, allowing the freezer to maintain a consistent temperature while keeping the stored items always frozen.

While most commercial freezers today already feature automatic defrost cycles, temperature alarms, and others, they may still encounter issues that can compromise their performance.

Ice Formation in Commercial Freezers

One of the issues that a commercial freezer may encounter as it functions is ice build-up or formation. Ice build-up in a commercial freezer is a common problem that can lead to reduced efficiency and increased energy costs. When ice builds up in a freezer, it reduces the amount of space available for food storage and can lead to freezer burn, damaging the quality of the food.

Additionally, the compressor found inside the commercial freezer must work harder to maintain the temperature, leading to increased energy usage and higher energy bills.

Prevent Ice Build-up in Your Freezer

If you are currently managing a commercial freezer, here are some tips that you can do to prevent it from building up ice.

  • Keep the Door Closed: One common cause of ice build-up is leaving the door open for too long. When the door is open, warm air enters the freezer, which leads to ice formation. Make sure your staff is trained to keep the door closed when not in use.
  • Check the Door Seals: Another cause of ice build-up in a freezer is a faulty door seal. Once the door seal of your freezer is damaged or worn, warm air can easily enter, causing ice build-up. You must check the door seals regularly to ensure they are in good condition. If they have obtained some damage, you must replace them right away.
  • Monitor the Temperature: Keeping the temperature of your commercial freezer at the correct level can also help prevent ice build-up. If the temperature is too high, ice can form on the evaporator coil, reducing the freezer’s efficiency and increasing its energy costs. If the temperature is too low, the compressor must work harder, which also increases the freezer’s energy usage. Check the temperature regularly and adjust it whenever necessary.
  • Defrost the Freezer Regularly: Ice build-up can reduce the efficiency of the freezer and lead to increased energy usage. Hence, you must defrost your freezer regularly to keep it running efficiently. The frequency of defrosting depends on how often your freezer is opened. But generally, it should be defrosted at least once every six months.
  • Organize the Freezer: Proper organization of the freezer can also help prevent ice build-up. When food is stacked carelessly, it can block the air vents, which can reduce airflow and lead to the formation of ice. You must make sure your staff will organise the food in the freezer properly, leaving enough space for airflow.
  • Check the Condenser Coils: The condenser coils in your commercial freezer can also become clogged with dust and debris, reducing its efficiency, and leading to increased energy usage. You must check the condenser coils regularly and clean them if necessary.

Ice build-up in a commercial freezer can be a frustrating and costly problem. By following these tips, you can prevent ice build-up and ensure your commercial freezer will be running efficiently.

Mark Connelly
C&M Coolroom Services
Mobile: 0412 536 315

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