Strip Curtains for Commercial Freezers Guide: Maximising Safe Temperatures

23 July 2024

Strip Curtains

Discover the benefits of strip curtains for commercial freezers. Maximise safe temperatures and improve energy efficiency with C&M Coolroom Services, Melbourne.

Strip curtains are an essential element in commercial freezer efficiency. These versatile barriers maintain consistent cold storage environments, significantly impacting temperature control. For businesses across Australia, including supermarkets and industrial cold rooms, strip curtains can lead to notable improvements in energy conservation and food safety compliance. This guide highlights how these installations can maximise safe temperatures in commercial freezers, contributing to smoother operations and reduced overhead costs.

As Melbourne’s top provider in commercial and industrial coolroom and freezer room manufacturing, C&M Coolroom Services is here to guide you through the importance of strip curtains for your commercial freezers.

Basic Review About Strip Curtains

Strip curtains, also known as PVC strip doors, are vertical strips of flexible, transparent PVC material that hang in doorways or openings of commercial freezers. They create a physical barrier that helps maintain the internal temperature while allowing easy access for personnel and equipment.

How to Maximise Safe Temperatures When Using Strip Curtains

To properly use strip curtains for maximising energy efficiency in commercial freezers, consider the following best practices:

•  Correct Installation: Ensure that the strip curtains are installed at all entry and exit points of the freezer, with the strips overlapping adequately to form a continuous barrier without gaps. The curtains should be mounted securely at the correct height and width to cover the entire doorway.

•  Material Selection: Choose the appropriate material based on the temperature range and usage conditions. PVC is commonly used for its durability and flexibility. For low-temperature environments, consider using low-temperature PVC or anti-static options.

•  Regular Maintenance: Inspect the strip curtains regularly for wear and tear, such as cracks or splits, and replace damaged strips promptly. Clean the strips periodically to remove dirt and grime, ensuring they remain transparent and effective.

•  Optimal Overlap: Adjust the overlap of the strips to balance accessibility and thermal protection. Typically, a 50% overlap is recommended for maximum efficiency. In high-traffic areas, consider a wider overlap to enhance the barrier effect.

•  Access Management: Educate employees on the importance of minimising the time the freezer doors are open to maintain temperature control. Use strip curtains in conjunction with automatic or self-closing doors to further reduce air exchange.

By following these guidelines, businesses can ensure that strip curtains are used effectively to maximise energy efficiency, maintain safe temperatures, and optimise the overall performance of commercial freezers.

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation is crucial for the effectiveness of strip curtains in commercial freezers. At C&M Coolroom Services, our experienced team ensures precise installation tailored to your specific freezer configuration.

Maintenance of strip curtains is relatively simple. Regular cleaning with mild soap and water keeps them clear and hygienic. Inspect the strips periodically for damage and replace any worn or torn strips promptly to maintain optimal performance.

Mark Connelly
C&M Coolroom Services
Mobile: 0412 536 315

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