A Guide to Picking a Quality Energy Auditor

15 April 2014

Since the field is not suffering like many others in today’s economy, there are a lot of mediocre energy consultants in the business. A quality energy auditor can be difficult to find, that is, unless you know what to look for. Not everyone who claims to be an energy auditor nowadays truly knows how to be an effective consultant.

Now, you have to decide what you want from an energy auditor. The thing is, different companies have different definitions of what an energy auditor actually is, and they have developed different expectorations based on those beliefs.

Remember, you will get what you pay for. If you run across a cheap energy auditor it is probably not the best idea to utilize them unless they have excellent and verifiable references. You do not want a limited audit designed to sell you a product either.

Make sure that you know that you are getting a comprehensive energy audit by a qualified professional. Do not be afraid to ask questions, verify answers and do your homework.

Remember, while nonprofit companies may with good intentions offer free audits, these are often not done by truly qualified professionals. The nonprofits get grants for energy preservation but the funds are simply not enough to hire the best.

Experience counts when it comes to finding a good energy auditor! It comes down to more than the right fixtures. Your auditor should have a comprehensive understanding of things like domestic hot water, boilers, chillers, air handlers, control systems, compressed air, package units and all of and their components just to name some.

Learning all you need to about this industry can take years, so experience is a key thing to look for.

In summary, find an energy auditor that you can trust with a minimum of 10 years’ experience if possible. Make sure that the one you choose is a CEM (Certified Energy Manager) or a Professional Engineer (PE). Know exactly what you can expect for the sum you have agreed to pay, so that you know all of your needs are being met. Do not assume anything.

It is always best to evaluate at least 3 companies before making a final decision on which one to go with. And finally, get a resume and ask for references for the individual performing the audit and not on the company in general.

You should come out just fine if you follow the guidelines above; good luck!

Mark Connelly
C&M Coolroom Services
E-mail: markconnelly@cmcoolrooms.com.au
Mobile: 0412 536 315

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