
Quality Freezer Installation: An Essential Fastfood Restaurant Kitchen Equipment

13 December 2018

Fast food restaurants might not install fancy frills, but they do enforce the same food-safe regulations as any elegant eatery. Behind the swinging kitchen doors, the catering equipment is just as clean and just as functional, so the gear inside a diner is far from that, far from junk. Equipped with the latest and greatest refrigeration systems, fast food restaurants keep their burgers safely frozen. Buying In the Cold Storage Equipment Short-order cooks are busy frying up the burger meat. Fryers are nearby, sizzling with onion rings. The aromas in the kitchen are making the customers hungry, so an employee […]

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Important Things to Keep in Mind When Dismantling a Coolroom

03 December 2018

Hygiene, that’s the very first word and thought that comes to mind when dismantling a coolroom. Procedures have to be discussed and managed, then the operation begins. Are the old insulation panels recyclable? For newer materials, that’s an option. However, older materials, including fibreglass, are not normally recyclable. They absorb moisture. Wet and falling apart, the glassy insulation needs to be disposed of properly. Obey Proper Disposal Procedures The first matter of concern is a properly enforced disposal procedure. Older insulation panels need to be scrapped according to all national and international guidelines. For fibreglass, incidentally, it’s okay to just […]

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Is There a Recommended Thickness for PVC Plastic Strip Curtains?

16 November 2018

Because of the cold application areas and visibility issues, PVC curtain thickness is decided by a “Goldilocks” styled design approach. If the material is too thick, it becomes opaque. An approaching member of staff can’t see what’s going on beyond the plastic strips. Furthermore, the material becomes rigid and hard to push aside when it’s so dense. Manufactured too thin, though, then the curtains no longer insulate or isolate. Coolroom PVC Curtains: The Goldilocks Width Not to be confused with bear-filled fairy tales or astronomy, the goal is to produce a curtain that’s not too thick or too thin. The […]

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Electricity Saving Tips for Coolrooms

23 October 2018

Shut the coolroom door, that’s the first and most obvious electricity conserving tip. Ultimately, there’s a knock-on effect taking place inside that freezer or cold storage unit, after all. If there are thermally-based losses inside what should be a sealed chamber, then the refrigeration unit is forced to work harder. Working flat-out, that system part then consumes more electrical power. Like energy-eating dominos, the knock-on effect spreads. Tip 1. Keep the Coolroom Door Closed Some folk get so caught up in their duties, they just forget the latest energy-saving memo. Put posters up on the walls, all around the door. […]

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Why Do Freezer Doors Use Magnets to Close?

11 October 2018

Door magnets are added to freezers because cooling equipment has a flaw. Correction, it’s not a system flaw, just a simple law of physics, one that’s not always easy to remedy. A sealed enclosure by design, freezers trap air. Consequently, a positive system pressure develops because of the refrigeration unit. Left unattended, positive pressure causes the dreaded “door pop-open effect.” Door magnets prevent such seal breaking incidents from occurring. Freezer Door Magnets Sturdy but simple discrete magnets line a freezer door. There’s a blocky magnetic core, which mates with a flat plate on the swinging door. On another unit, the […]

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Small Coolroom Design Principles

09 October 2018

Asked to design a small coolroom, a sealed chamber that will efficiently store its perishable contents at a consistently low temperature, an installation team swings into action. There are questions to ask, answers to determine, and design principles to rule every decision. Keeping energy expenditure low, the expected cold room load is sought out, probably from the asset manager, the person who’s responsible for the site’s day-to-day runnings. Dimensional Requirements Standard Operating Procedure (SOF) says the small coolroom will have set dimensional parameters. The size of the refrigeration unit, its fan-assisted throughput and refrigerant cooling power, is rated to work […]

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Different Types of High Thermal Insulation Materials for Commercial Freezers and Coolrooms

28 September 2018

How many system-critical components are there inside a modern commercial freezer? Which key engineering element impacts coolroom efficiency the most? A powerful but energy efficient refrigeration unit is essential, naturally enough. Then there’s the environmentally safe refrigerant to examine, plus a properly sealed door. Just as important as any one of those features, high-thermal insulation materials prevent energy losses. Consulting a Thermography Expert Did you know that special services can actually “see” where the heat losses on an insulated coolroom wall are going? They use special thermal imaging cameras to generate infra-red pictures of the heat loss zones. Using this […]

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Commercial Coolroom and Freezer Doors Safety and Maintenance Guide

01 September 2018

Employees don’t always stop to think about coolroom safety issues, nor do they pause when they’re accessing a freezer door for the millionth time. Maybe they should. Maybe they need to stop, take stock of matters, and read the laminated door safety guide, the one that’s stapled to a wall next to the commercial coolroom they’re accessing. To begin with, is everyone aware of the door access protocols? Door Opening Protocols In an office setting, workers close doors out of a sense of politeness. Proprietary aside, there may even be an office memo asking the staff to close the doors. […]

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Proper Temperature Control inside Coolrooms to Avoid Food Contamination

27 August 2018

Perishable coolroom contents cannot abide contamination. Besieged by these taste and freshness tainting markers, consumable products incur nasty little question marks above their poorly cooled containers. Is a bad taste the worst issue here? Or has a harmful bacteria spread? Like the Schrodinger’s cat thought experiment, there’s no real way to know without further action. However, by proactively controlling coolroom temperature, we can regain control of this potentially health-jeopardizing situation. What is Proper Temperature Control Shrugging off the uncertainties, and thoughts of cruelly trapped cats, we begin by establishing coolroom baselines. The thermostat keeps the thermal envelope constant. If the […]

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Kason Hydraulic Door Closers: Reasons Why It Can Malfunction

17 August 2018

When you walk into your coolroom in order to fetch a product or store a product, you are likely anticipating that the process is going to go smoothly. By this, we mean that you are expecting your hydraulic door closer to operate effectively by allowing you to close the door without slamming. The motion should be smooth, quiet and effective. With high quality Kason hydraulic door closers, you are getting a door that should work well the vast majority of the time. However, there are going to be rare occasions when your hydraulic door closer malfunctions. Today, we are going […]

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Does Your Coolroom Smell Bad?

26 July 2018

The types of industries that are beholden to the use of a Coolroom, or walk-in freezer, is pretty amazing. From the medical field to the restaurant industry, coolrooms play a vital role in keeping businesses prepared and ready to handle their temperature-controlled goals. With that being said, sometimes a coolroom or walk-in freezer will run into issues, and not always the kind of issues that you’d expect. What are we talking about? We are talking about odour problems. Walking into a coolroom that smells bad can be a jarring experience and it is one that you do not want to […]

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Major Benefits of CFC-Free Refrigerants

12 July 2018

When you walk into a giant freezer or merely use the one above your refrigerator, do you ever stop and wonder about the process that goes into keeping your items cool? Of course not unless you are like us, and intimately close to the entire process. Here at C&M Coolroom Services, we fully believe in the power of knowledge and what it can to for our potential customers. With that mindset, we are going to take a moment to peak all-the-way inside of our refrigerating units in order to discuss the refrigerants that make the process possible. Specifically, our discussion […]

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