Coolroom & Freezer: Repair or Replace
06 February 2014
There are certain industries which require the use of a cool room or freezer. Fine examples are supermarkets and large convenience stores. These are establishments which need to keep some of their products frozen, or else they rot in a matter of hours...
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Reasons Why You Need an Energy Audit
14 January 2014
Not all companies have the sort of capital that allows them to upgrade all of their old equipment whenever they want or even need. Commonly, business owners are at risk of not being able to do anything to prevent incurring losses when those pieces of equipment finally break down.
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Coolroom & Freezer Installation
11 December 2013
We live in an imperfect world. Nothing will ever function at 100% efficiency and there will never be energy use without energy loss. While perfection may be an unachievable goal, in the realm of coolroom & freezer installation, there are materials that take a brilliant step toward the goal.
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Coolroom & Freezer Repair
29 November 2013
When people think of coolroom & freezer repair, they instantly imagine that it is only necessary in a situation where the room no longer refrigerates. This is a mistake that could be costly if certain situations are not addressed in a timely manner. There are two categories of things the owner of any coolroom should
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Coolroom & Freezer
12 November 2013
There are some industries where having a cool room or freezer is glaringly important. A supermarket that can not keep its frozen foods frozen is almost certain to fail. Likewise, a bar that can not keep its beer chilled will probably have trouble maintaining regular customers. What too few businesses realize is that installing a
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